Who am I?
Originally from Sudbury, Ontario, Canada I attribute my life journey for leading me to this fascinating subject.
I have always intrigued by Astrology and the esoteric arts, but it wasn’t until my Chiron Return and events that followed, that I actually decided to buckle down and take a course in it. Once I gave is a serious hard look it immediately consumed me!
It seemed like the learning curve with this particular field grew the more I got to know about it, and despite; or likely because of the challenge – I realized this was something I would never tire of – especially knowing that I could help others with it!
Rectification became an interest for me, as I had always assumed I had a Gemini rising, but could not totally connect with it. Once I picked up the technique of Rectification, and realized my true Taurus Ascendant, I realized a whole side of myself that I had never truly understood or acknowledged – it all made sense!
Along with learning something new, I was learning about “myself” and understanding the how’s and why’s of my life – which was so different from my siblings. Astrology has the ability to give you a certain acceptance about the in’s and outs’ of life, and how to negotiate them with more grace.
I have studied with many wonderful teachers & practitioners over the past 10 years. However, the bulk of my study on Evolutionary Astrology has been with Steven Forrest whose teaching methods involve an osmotic experience of engaging students, through a storytelling process that evokes an emotional connection to the astrological elements of planets, signs & houses. One difference between Evolutionary Astrology and Western methods is that Western Astrology tends to be “descriptive” whereas Evolutionary Astrology is “prescriptive” and practiced with intention.
My oldest daughter had long since become totally absorbed with the esoteric side of life; approaching the healing process through a different modality. Once she was introduced to Astrology she recognized the connection in the work we do as astrologers as being complementary to her healing work; and thus the connection between Indalo Astrology & Meridian Energetics was created.
Please check out the links to her site, and see how our combined services might best assist “you” on your spiritual awakening!